Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rebel Sessions

Mike's Cover Shot

With the demise of the Red Bull Big Wave Africa event a few years ago a void was left in competitive big wave surfing in South Africa. But with an exciting new concept Rebel Media have launched the Rebel Sessions event, which is aiming to fill that void.

The event is staged over the ten best days of surf from July to October at either Dungeons or Sunsets. With prizes for the best paddle-in wave surfed (R50 000), the biggest tow-in wave surfed (30 000), the biggest paddle-in wave (R20 000) and the biggest wipe-out (R10 000) being awarded.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The Point and the Crowd
If you’ve ridden a surf board in South Africa you will know there are two places which loom large in the imagination of all South African surfers: The iconic Jeffreys’ Bay on the East Coast and its West Coast incarnation, Elandsbaai.