Thursday, October 4, 2012

Surf Etiquette: Surfline's Bill of Rights and Lefts

How not to do it...
With summer rapidly approaching its a good time to remind everyone about the basic courtesies all board riders should practice in the water, especially when it's crowded. Take a look at Surfline's 10 point "Bill of Rights and Lefts", by clicking here.

The article makes the following 10 points:

  1. Pick the right spots for your ability and attitude
  2. Don't drop in on or snake your fellow surfers
  3. When paddling out, stay out of the way of riders on the waves
  4. Learn to take turns
  5. Respect the vibe in the line-up
  6. Always aid another surfer in trouble
  7. When traveling respect the locals surfers
  8. Don't use your surfing advantages to abuse your fellow surfers
  9. Be responsible for your equipment and respectful of other surfers
  10. Relax, have fun and enjoy your surfing and that of your fellow surfers
If you know a surfer who is guilty of ignoring these guidelines maybe you could politely pass this link onto them and help ease the tension in the water this summer. 

1 comment:

  1. That's rich coming from Seamus "Strand Langarm" Allardice.....
