To surfers the month of June conjures up special images. Cold fronts pummelling the coast, bringing with them massive swell and epic surf. But for student surfers the month of June holds more than just the prospect of good surf. Exams loom large early in the month but towards the end of June there is a blinding light at the end of the dark tunnel of all night study sessions and exam trauma. In late June the top surfers from South Africa’s coastal universities meet for the annual University Surf Championships.
Dating back to 1968, the fierce rivalry in the water is equally matched by the unique party atmosphere on land. The competitive atmosphere was fostered in the first 26 years of the event by alternating the venue between Durban and the Cape. But then in 1994 the newly formed University Sport governing body took over the organising of the event and decided to make Seal Point the championships official home. For 16 years the sleepy holiday resort of Cape St. Francis was battered by hordes of students every June, before the decision was made to move the 2010 event south to Victoria Bay. The 2011 event sees the amphitheatre like Vic Bay once again hosting the eventfrom the 26th to the 30th of June, with Reef Wetsuits coming onboard as the title sponsors.
And so, with no further ado, this is the Maties Surf Club guide to the REEF WETSUITS SA STUDENTS SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPS:
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